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信息来源: 发布日期:2019-03-20







1.Zhou Na, Zhang Chunlai, Liu Yonggang,Variation of Grain Size on the Barchans Dunes in Mainling Wide Valley, Yarlung Zangbo River, Geoscience Accepted, 31, 958-963, 2011 (In Chinese).

2.Zhou Na, Zhang Chunlai, Liu Yonggang,Variation of Grain Size on a Mountain Climbing Dune in Mainling Wide Valley, Yarlung Zangbo River, Geographical Research Accepted, 31, 82-94, 2012 (In Chinese).

3.Li Y.*, Zhou N., Yu H.Q., Reicosky D.C., Hancock G.R., Sun L.F.,Responses of Surface Soil Carbon and Nutrients to Re-vegetation of an Eroded Hill Slope in Southwestern China, African Journal of Biotechnology, 11(15), 3596-3602, 2012.

4.Feng Y. M., Wu B., Zhou N., Che T.T., Wang F., Cong R. C., Cao Y. L., Lu Q.,Gobi Classification System Based on Remote Sensing Image Recognition, China Desert, 33(3), 635-641, 2013 (In Chinese).

5.Zhang C.L., Zhou N.*, Zhang J.Q.Sand Flux Wind Profiles in the Saltation Layer above a Rounded Dune Top, China Earth Science, 57, 523-533, 2014.

6.Zhou Na, Zhang Chunlai, Wu Xiaoxu,Geomorphology and Evolution of Aeolian Dune Fields within a River Valley in a Semi-humid Environment: A Case Study from the Mainling Valley, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Geomorphology, 224, 27-38, 2014.

7.Li Y., Yu H. Q., Chappell A., Zhou N., Funk R,.How Much Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration is due to Conservation Agriculture Reducing Soil Erosion, Soil Research, 52, 717-726, 2014.

8.Zhou N., Zhang C. L., Zou X. Y., Wu X. X., Zhang F.,The Influence of Terrain on the Protective System of Shapotou Section of Baotou-Lanzhou Railway, Geoscience, 34(7), 889-896, 2014 (In Chinese).

9.Zhou N., Zhang C. L., Tian J. L., Kang L. Q.,Flow Field Controlling the Concave Surface of the Semi-buried Checkerboards and its Characterization by Grain Sizes of Sediments, Geographical Research, 33(11), 2145-2156, 2014 (In Chinese).

10.Wu X.X., Zou X. Y., Zhou N., Zhang C. L., Shi S.,Deceleration Efficiencies of Shrub Windbreaks in a Wind Tunnel, Aeolian Research, 16, 11-23, 2015.

11.Li Y., Yu H. Q., Zhou N., Tian G., Poesen J., Zhang Z. D.,Linking Fine Root and Understory Vegetation to Channel Erosion in Forested Hill slopes of Southwestern China, Plant Soil, DOI 10.1007/S11104-014-2362-8, 2015.

12.Han-Qing Yu, Yong Li, Na Zhou, Adrian Chappell, Xiao-Yu Li, Jean Poesen,Soil Nutrient Loss Due to Tuber Crop Harvesting and Its Environmental Impact in the North China Plain, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2016.

13.Wenyong Ma, Xunming Wang, Na Zhou, Linlin Jiao,Relative Importance of Climate Factors and Human Activities in Impacting Vegetation Dynamics during 2000–2015 in the Otindag Sandy Land, Northern China, Journal of Arid Land, 2017.

14.Zhou N., Wang X.M.*Provenance of Aeolian Dune Sands along the Yarlung Zangbo River Valley in Southern Tibetan Plateau, Aeolian Research Under Review.





(4)参加国家重大科学研究计划(973)“青藏高原沙漠化对全球变化的响应”的第4专题“青藏高原现代沙漠化时空分布”,重点研究近50年来青藏高原沙漠化土地的空间格局变化规律和发展模式。作为合作者,初步研究成果发表在二区top期刊Science of The Total Environment,‘Monitoring of aeolian desertification on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from the 1970s to 2015 using Landsat images’。

(5)国际原子能机构项目。2011-2014年,国际原子能机构、16941、" Use of stable isotope (C-13) to measure changes in soil carbon stock due to the shift from intensively-cultivated cropping system to mulch-based cropping system"、2011/12-2014/12、18万、结题。该项目主要围绕传统耕作地类转化为保护性耕作后,保护性耕作对土壤碳储量、土壤呼吸的影响以及对大气中CO2释放的影响。相关成果以SCI发表3篇。




